

7-card stud, up cards offered one at a time for $.10, $.20, etc


Deal each player two cards down

Starting left of the dealer, the dealer shows 1 card and offers it for $0.10. The player may buy, fold or refuse. If refused, flip the next card and offer for $0.20. Buy or refuse (cannot fold). If refused, flip one more and offer it for $0.30. Buy or refuse. If refused, pay $0.50 and players gets card off the deck.

Any remaining cards are offered to the next player for $0.10, $0.20, $0.30. Or the top of the deck for $0.50

Bet after everyone gets a card

Repeat until there are 4 up cards for everyone

Deal the last card down to everyone (for free).



Scoring Notes

High hand wins.


Other Notes