Dealer's Choice Game List

3-5-7 guts game, changing wild card
6-7-8 guts game, changing wild card, community cards
7 minus 7 Points-based, high/low split pot, 7 vs -7
7-27 Points-based, high/low split pot, 7 vs 27
Anaconda 7 cards, 3 rounds to pass cards, high/low split
Auction 7-card stud, up cards are auctioned to highest bidder
Auctioneer 7-card stud, up cards offered one at a time for $.10, $.20, etc
Badugi Build a low hand that has no matching ranks or suits...
Baseball 7-card stud, 3s and 9s wild, 4s get extra card for $.25
Black Mariah 7-card stud, killer card
Buddah's Folly Guts Standard in/out declare with token, 3 legs to win.
Change the Diaper 7-card stud, natural pairs up causes wild card
Cheeze P0rn Progressive cards till someone believes they have high hand
Crazy Pineapple 8 cards, 3 down and 5 community cards
Double Trouble play two hands, community cards, high/low split
Follow The Queen 7-card stud, queens wild + following up card
Freak of Nature 5-card draw, variable wild card
Have a Heart
Hurricane 4 cards, 2-card draw. high/low split
Low Chicago 7-card stud, high hand splits with low spade in hole (2)
Low-Hold Wild 7-card stud, low card in hole wild for you
No Peak Baseball 7 cards, no peak. 3s and 9s wild, 4s get extra card
Pit 5 or 7 card roll your own. Cards are traded between players before rolling
Red Black Points-based, high/low split pot, red vs black
Rollercoaster Progressively growing hands, toggle high/low hand wins
Screwin' Herman Deal two, discard one - multiple times. High/low split.
Stud Jack 7-card stud, split pot
Texas Hold 'em 5 card stud, community cards
Texas Reach Around 5 cards, low-hole wild, community cards
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Wild card, forfeit card, killer card
Touchies 7-card stud, two touching cards of same suit are wild
Train Wreck
Wall-Street 7-card stud, buy up cards for $.10, $.20, $.30, $.40